Summertime Events at Thrive
Summertime Events
Welcome summer, school is out and the kids are suddenly home…all. the. time. Actually, I love spending more time with my kids, however, I know that it can be an ongoing battle to encourage them to keep up their school skills. At our house we try to encourage participation in school skill-related activities by requiring certain activities like reading, a worksheet, reviewing a list of sight words, etc. is completed before allowing time on the beloved Ipad! Some days this is easier than others.
Here at Thrive Therapies, we are excited to announce a series of summertime skills sessions! We are planning a learning series on the following topics:
Social Skills, using the Social Thinking Curriculum
Handwriting, using Handwriting Without Tears
Summer Olympic themed gross motor coordination course
Identifying and coping with Anxiety
Course times for the skill sessions are being determined at this time. Please check back for more information. Also, indicate interest in the above courses or some other topic you would like to see offered by commenting on this page, thrivetherapiesnv on Facebook or Instagram, call or email. We look forward to hearing from you!