I Like Big Books and I Cannot Lie…

I love books, I mean, really LOVE books. I love books for so many reasons. We can find so many things contained within the covers of a book, comfort, entertainment, laughter, knowledge, the possibilities are endless.

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Books are my immediate go-to when I want to learn any new skill. When I found out I was pregnant, my first stop was a bookstore, hello “What to Expect When You Are Expecting,” “Girlfriend’s Guide to Pregnancy,” “Hypnobirthing,” you name it, I read it. Last spring, my husband and I were asked to coach our son’s soccer team, have we ever played soccer, nope. I turned to Amazon for help, promptly ordering several books, including one entitled “The Baffled Parent’s Guide to Coaching Youth Soccer.”

As an occupational therapist, I frequently turn to books to learn more about a particular diagnosis, treatment strategies or to learn a new skill. The number of titles available can be overwhelming. Once a week, I will be featuring a different title, I hope to introduce you all to some great books and I hope you all will recommend some great titles to me too!

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PS….I don’t only read for work…I love reading for pleasure, from every possible genre. Some of my favorites include anything by author David Baldacci, suspense, funny self-help books, and of course near and dear to my heart is the entire “Harry Potter” series. Leave me your recommendations in the comments!



Smart But Scattered


Postpartum Anxiety and Depression